Galan McInelly Receives Central Washington University Alumnus Award

Central Washington University’s (CWU) College of the Sciences recently presented GeoEngineers Principal Geologist Galan McInelly, LG, LEG, LHG with its first-ever Alumnus of the Year Award for Natural Sciences. Galan graduated from CWU in 1984 with a bachelor’s degree in geology. The award recognizes Galan’s continued passion and interest in the study of natural sciences, and his commitment to the students and faculty of the university.

“Twenty years ago I sat down with the head of the department of geological sciences and we agreed there needed to be a closer relationship between the research and applied sides of the science,” Galan said. Since that time, Galan has worked with the department to speak with students regarding the practice of applied geology, and later as a judge for SOURCE, a unique symposium for research and creative expression held every May at the university.

Galan also served as vice chair for the College of the Sciences’ first alumni advisory board. In that role and through other outreach, Galan has helped students access educational opportunities for the geological sciences at Central. This includes securing $10,000 in funding from GeoEngineers for the Robert B. Bentley Scholarship for undergraduate studies in structural geology, field geology or natural resource geology, along with a yearly $2,500 fellowship for a geologic sciences student.

Galan has worked at GeoEngineers since 1989 after receiving his master of science in geology from Western Washington University. He and his project teams perform groundwater services, geohazards assessments and mitigation, pipeline and other linear corridor assessments, critical areas assessments, rock stabilization, environmental permitting and site characterization.

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