GeoEngineers Receives Transportation Innovator Award

Downtown On the Go (DOTG) has awarded GeoEngineers its 2012 Transportation Innovator Award in the Biking Strong Category. The award highlights GeoEngineers’ leadership and involvement in Bike Month 2012 events and was one of six awards presented October 12th at a Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber luncheon and Transportation Innovator Awards ceremony.

Bruce Stirling, PWS, senior project manager and biologist in GeoEngineers’ Tacoma office, accepted the award for GeoEngineers. The avid promoter of bicycle commuting led GeoEngineers’ 2012 Bike to Work Commuter Challenge and helped GeoEngineers’ Tacoma staff organize two Tacoma office bicycling events held in conjunction with the Commuter Challenge and Bike Month.

DOTG is a transportation advocacy group governed by a board of directors representing 20 Tacoma businesses. The group sponsors the annual Transportation Innovator awards to recognize those who are helping DOTG meet its goal to reduce Tacoma’s downtown drive-alone rate by 11% by 2015.

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