Walling Named to BSSC Issue Team

Melanie Walling, Ph.D, LG, has been named a corresponding member for a Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) sub-group that provides recommendations for future building codes. As a member of the Issue Team for Ground Motion and Geotech Issues, Walling will play an important role in evaluating cutting-edge seismic research and guiding national seismic construction standards. 

Although BSSC’s Provision Update Committee (PUC) is ultimately responsible for drafting new recommendations, the committee is supported by a number of Issue Teams full of specialized experts in seismic design and construction. As a member of the Issue Team for Ground Motion and Geotech Issues, Walling will focus on site-specific ground motion procedures, improvements to long-period transition seismic design maps, and other geotechnical concerns. The group regularly meets via teleconference to discuss emerging seismic research and evaluate potential code changes, and also gets together in person several times per year.

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