Courtney Stoker

Staff Environmental Scientist

As a biologist, I get to explore my passion for finding ways our human systems and ecological systems can coexist and work together for the benefit of all beings.


  • 2021


  • Tacoma, WA

Courtney is a biologist specializing in wetland and stream environments. They collect field data, analyze ecosystems, and then work with our natural resources team to guide our clients through applicable environmental regulations and help protect the world we share.

“I’ve always been very passionate about the preservation and restoration of our natural ecosystems,” Courtney says, “and that led me to the world of wetland science.”

Wetland science brings together many of the issues and interests that Courtney cares about most. They get to play around in the nuts and bolts of environmental policy, maintain inter-governmental relations, address climate change and protect sensitive watersheds.

“I love the diversity of projects I have the opportunity to work on, and the various disciplines I get to work with,” Courtney says.

Before joining GeoEngineers, Courtney spent several years working as an environmental biologist for a county public works department, where they were responsible for monitoring and directing maintenance for 28 wetland restoration sites as part of the county’s wetland mitigation program. Today, Courtney brings this same passion for public policy and community to GeoEngineers.

“I’m known to nerd-out on anything that has to do with ecology or government relations,” Courtney says. “Working with and interpreting local regulations is something I find really interesting, and it allows me to combine my passions for ecology and local government.”

As often as possible, Courtney likes to get outside and enjoy the natural resources they help to protect. You might find them hiking, paddle boarding—or marching into a city council meeting to advocate for our community and environment.

“In the Before Times™ I would go indoor rock climbing,” Courtney says, “but my deep-seated fear of snakes has stopped me from taking this particular activity outdoors.”


Rosa Parks Human Rights Student Award, Latah County Human Rights Task Force, 2016


Courtney Stoker. “Strengthening the Capacity of Smallholders in the ASEAN Oil Palm Industry” Journal of the Martin Institute 8:1 (2016), 50-57.

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