David Lauder
Senior Geotechnical Engineer
- 2004
- Spokane, WA
Dave credits visits to job sites with his dad (a civil engineer with the US Forest Service) during summer breaks with sparking his interest in engineering. “I thought it was cool that civil engineers like my dad got to build things that benefited others. I was also good at math and science. By my freshman year of college, I already knew that I would study civil engineering.” After earning B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Oklahoma, he began his career as an engineer for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
After eight years in Oklahoma, the Montana native was ready to return to the Northwest. Dave moved to Spokane and joined GeoEngineers, where he splits his time between geotechnical and environmental work. He contributes geotechnical expertise to a variety of private development projects and municipal projects such as roads and bridges. In the environmental arena, he manages environmental site assessment and remediation projects. Dave says he appreciates his Spokane coworkers, the collaborative culture and variety of clients and projects GeoEngineers offers.
“There’s always someone I can ask a question, or discuss a project with,” he remarks.
Dave enjoys spending his leisure time with his family or engaging in his favorite recreational pursuits, golf and fly fishing getaways to Northern Idaho and Western Montana.
- “Design and Construction of a Unique Retention System, Kaiser Aluminum Facility, Spokane County, WA,” presented at ASCE Inland Empire chapter meeting, October 2012
- “When Shallow Foundations Don’t Work,” presented at AIA Spokane chapter meeting, January 2011
- “Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual, an Introduction and its Impacts to Development,” presented at AIA Spokane chapter meeting lunch n’ learn, September 2008