Emily Hertz
Staff Geotechnical Engineer
- 2021
- Boston, MA*
Emily is part of our interdisciplinary Boston development team, where she specializes in geotechnical recommendations for building foundations. Her work might be hidden underground, but Emily plays a critical role in many of the Boston area’s largest development projects. Emily leads subsurface investigations, completes drilling programs, writes geotechnical reports and monitors construction on behalf of our clients.
Emily wins the trust of clients and contractors alike with a friendly and honest attitude that she credits to her Midwest upbringing. Growing up in North Dakota, Emily already had a career path in mind—but it wasn’t engineering.
“I never thought I was going to go to school for engineering, Emily says. “I had always wanted to be a corporate lawyer until my senior year of high school. I decided on engineering by narrowing down my interests and realizing my strengths.”
This realization blossomed into fascination as Emily attended the University of North Dakota and learned about geotechnical engineering for the first time during her BS in Geological Engineering. Emily graduated in 2019 and immediately jumped into field work for an engineering consulting firm, but it wasn’t long before she was ready for new opportunities and room to grow. She found both at GeoEngineers.
“The mix of field and office work gives me a more diverse working experience and set of skills that are setting me up for a great future at GeoEngineers,” Emily explains. “I get to see different stages of the development process, every day I’m learning about new systems and solutions to our clients’ most complex questions.”
When Emily isn’t busy problem solving for our clients, she’s often traveling. She enjoys sampling the culture in faraway places, even closer to her new home in Massachusetts. Emily has developed a love for hiking and snowboarding in the mountains of New England, but nothing can compete with her real passion—softball. During the season Emily might play three nights a week on as many as four separate softball teams. Although she enjoys competing for and collecting softball trophies, Emily says it’s the lifelong friendships and comradery that she values most.
“Being a part of a team, whether it be softball or with colleagues, is very important to me,” Emily says. “I enjoy sharing and listening to different perspectives because I will always learn something new from experienced engineers in the industry.”