Evan Deal
River Engineer
- 2019
- Seattle, WA
Evan is an important part of GeoEngineers’ river and stream science team. He collects field data, builds and tests hydraulic models and brainstorms solutions to complex watershed challenges.
“I knew I wanted to be a water resources engineer ever since the day I realized that water is connected to everything we do, and that people who manage our relationship with water are doing absolutely vital work,” Evan says.
This realization hit Evan all at once while riding his bicycle through the suburbs as a boy. As he passed a lawn sprinkler, he was suddenly struck by all of the complicated infrastructure and expertise required to bring water to each home. It’s a privilege most of us take for granted.
“The people that make this possible are essentially invisible as far as the public is concerned—they are unsung heroes of society,” Evan thought at the time. “I should go to university and study water resources engineering.”
That’s exactly what Evan did. In 2016 he graduated from the University of Kansas with a master’s in water resources civil engineering. After school, Evan spent several years designing river and urban stormwater projects, and then got some experience analyzing complex hydraulic and hydrologic systems for a Seattle-area natural resources firm. At GeoEngineers, Evan uses his experience to design, model and analyze rivers and stream projects for our clients.
“I love to walk around in nature to observe what water is doing and imagine how it would behave during a storm or how the river got to be the way that it is,” Evan says. “That’s actually a pretty decent description of my job.”
When he’s not exploring some watershed or another—whether it’s within a forest or a city—you might find Evan exploring the rest of the world we share.
“That means reading fiction and nonfiction books, cooking up the cuisine of a place I’ve either been to or would like to visit, or engaging in one of my other excess of hobbies” Evan says.
He also enjoys gardening, camping, writing, drawing, playing board games and volunteering.