Gouda Ataktürk

Construction Consultant

Nothing escapes my attention at our job sites. I am very noise-conscious and have large and sensitive ears.


  • 2020


  • Seattle, WA

Gouda has his paws in the dirt of many of GeoEngineers’ Puget Sound projects. He observes and manages our project sites from geotechnical site investigations to construction. As an Australian Cattle Dog, keeping our team in line comes naturally to Gouda. He’s always ready to nudge his colleagues in the right direction with a friendly nose boop. 

Growing up in a small Spokane farming community, Gouda’s life changed forever when he met GeoEngineers colleague Katy Ataktürk in March 2020. Katy introduced Gouda to both GeoEngineers and Seattle city life, and they make a great team. 

“Gouda excels at encouraging efficiency in the workplace,” Katy says. “This includes getting mad at me for being on my phone unnecessarily, letting me know when it’s time for an ergo break, and fueling my day with plenty of snack breaks.” 

Gouda also has a knack for sniffing out public utilities and is an experienced utility inspector. Like all GeoEngineers’ staff, Gouda emphasizes safety on the job site. He’s always on alert for potential hazards, whether its large moving equipment or unauthorized personnel on the site. 

At the end of a long day, Gouda likes to relax at home with his family and some fine cheese. 

“Katy calls me a ‘lazy herder,’” Gouda says. “Sometimes instead of getting off the couch or bed, I’ll just whine for my people to come join me instead of getting up and physically herding them. Who wants to bring work home?” 

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