Jon Travis
- 2018
- Kennewick, WA
Jon is an experienced geologist and project manager who focuses primarily on groundwater projects. Over his career Jon has developed a holistic understanding of groundwater management and potential impacts throughout the Columbia River Basin.
His hydrogeology work on aquifers, shallow groundwater development, monitoring and water quality helps bring safe water to the public, while protecting our sensitive natural resources. Jon’s understanding of environmental issues and regulation is pivotal. As he manages drilling for water wells, geotechnical investigations and monitoring, Jon works hard to keep his clients compliant with state environmental standards.
In his own time, Jon makes the most of the natural resources he works to protect.
“I enjoy fly fishing the rivers and streams of the area, as well as camping,” Jon says.
When he’s not outside, Jon spends time volunteering with his wife’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter and sampling the many local micro-brews and wines throughout the Pacific Northwest.