Minda Troost
Senior Geologist
- 2004
- Bellingham, WA
After seeing an educational film about geology and the hydrologic cycle in the seventh grade, Minda knew she wanted to be a geologist. Since then, her passion has evolved into fluvial geomorphology (the study of river dynamics). Along the way, she has delved into hydrologic and hydraulic modeling as well as taught herself Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
“At GeoEngineers,” she says, “I am a bit of a jack of all trades. I dabble in water rights, hydrology, hydraulics, geology and geomorphology.”
Minda enjoys the range of projects she gets to work on at GeoEngineers, saying “Having a diverse skill set allows me to do a variety of different things, which keeps it interesting.” Minda’s personal and professional interests come together in the natural world. “I love getting outdoors and going on adventures, so occasionally they overlap with getting out and doing reconnaissance in a river. I also love maps; they represent unknown places and adventures waiting to happen.”
During the summer, camping with the family is Minda’s forte. When the weather gets bad, Minda enjoys sampling good food at home or in local eateries. “We have been a bit limited to certain restaurants since the kids were born,” she says. “You know, the ones where the background noise is loud enough so the other patrons can’t hear your kids.”