Stan Sadkowski
Geotechnical Discipline Lead, Principal Geotechnical Engineer
- 2021
- Boston, MA*
Stan leads our development work in the Boston market, and manages geotechnical operations nationwide as geotechnical discipline lead. It takes more than just technical experience to succeed in the world of professional consulting, it takes people skills. Stan takes pride in both. He specializes in geotechnical design and construction, especially shallow and deep foundations, but his greatest passion is for the people and relationships on which this business is built.
Stan is an accomplished business leader with nearly two decades of experience in geotechnical and environmental engineering for urban and suburban development. Over the years, Stan has been the geotechnical engineer of record for some of the Boston region’s marquee development projects, from Boston Landing to Union Square and Suffolk Downs. His geotechnical engineering and hydrogeology experience is complemented by an understanding of environmental due diligence, and his insight into the intricacies of critical regulations like the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) helps his clients maintain regulatory compliance and navigate the MCP during development.
“I’m really excited to continue building something amazing in Boston with this group,” Stan says. “There is so much positivity on this team, and it inspires and motivates me every day.”
When he’s not busy adding to the Boston skyline, Stan finds other outlets for his infectious positivity and love of people—like bingo. He regularly calls bingo and finds it therapeutic and entertaining to read the numbers and just hang out with the older ladies in the crowd.
“The best part is when you try to make small talk over the mic and they scream out, ‘just call the numbahs!’ in a thick Boston accent,” Stan explains.
Selected as one of Boston Business Journal’s “40 under 40,” 2018
Blomeke, A.C, House, R.D., and Sadkowski, S.S., “Design and Construction of High-Capacity Spread Footings over Post-Glacial Compressible Clay Deposits: Two Case Studies in Massachusetts,” International Foundations Congress and Equipment Exposition, Orlando, FL. March 5-10, 2018.
Sadkowski, S.S., Luke Norton, et al. “Investigating and Rehabilitating a 100-year-old Earthen Embankment Dam in Southeastern Massachusetts,” – United States Society on Dam (USSD). April 2011.
Sadkowski, S.S., Stetson, K.P., Roche, J.R., and Benoît, J., “Characterizing Subsurface Conditions Using Drilling Parameters for a Deep Foundation Project in Boston, MA, USA” – GeoFlorida. February 2010.
Sadkowski, S.S., Stetson, K.P. and Benoît, J., “Investigating Rock Quality using Drilling Parameters in Boston, MA, USA,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Site Characterization ISC-3, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-4 September 2008, Vol.1, pp. 1359-1364.
Sadkowski, S.S., Benoît, J., Bothner, W.A., “Rock Characterization using Drilling Parameters,” Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section. Durham, New Hampshire. March 2007.
Benoît, J., Sadkowski, S.S., and Bothner, W.A., “Rock Characterization Using Drilling Parameters,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Site Characterization ISC-2, Porto, Portugal. September 19-22, 2004.
Sadkowski, S.S., Bothner, W.A., Benoît, J., Birch, F.S., and Escamilla-Casas, J., “Fracture Characterization at a Bedrock Bioremediation Site in New Hampshire,” National Groundwater Association/US EPA Fractured Rock Conference. Portland, Maine. September 2004.