Stuart Thielmann
Geotechnical Engineer
- 2015
- Tacoma, WA
From an early age, Stuart enjoyed building things. Over time he’s transitioned from playing with Legos to playing in the dirt as a geotechnical engineer. Although Stuart was initially attracted to structural engineering, in school he didn’t find it to be challenging or variable enough for him.
“I realized much of the work amounted to following the book and running formulas,” Stuart says. “With geotechnical engineering, dirt can be highly variable and requires evaluation, judgement, and engineering sense to determine the success of a project.”
Stuart’s curiosity and desire to find solutions to interesting challenges have served him well at GeoEngineers. As a geotechnical engineer he is primarily responsible for evaluating the type, strength and risks for soil present at construction sites throughout the Puget Sound region. He enjoys working on meaningful community development projects such as enhancements to Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, and collaborating with his talented team at GeoEngineers.
“Each and every coworker I have met is passionate about what they do,” Stuart says, “and they do not hesitate to share their excitement and knowledge with you.”
As a California native, Stuart is still a surfer at heart, and in his free time he likes to get out to the coast when he can.
“You can also find me playing soccer or hiking through the local mountains with a camera,” Stuart says. “I also enjoy sampling beverages from one of the many local breweries we have, or sitting on the porch at home with a glass of whiskey.”