Tiep Nguyen
Staff Civil Engineer
- 2017
- Houston, TX
As a part of GeoEngineers’ Pipeline Business Unit, Tiep works primarily on pipeline construction projects in Texas and across the Midwest. Tiep and the pipeline team design trenchless crossings using methods such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD). HDD and other trenchless technologies are used to install lengths of pipeline under rivers, roads, buildings and other obstacles that make digging a traditional surface trench impossible.
The opportunity to design HDD crossings first attracted Tiep to GeoEngineers, but he’s also come to appreciate the cooperative and supportive atmosphere.
“GeoEngineers is a big family that cares about one another on a personal level,” Tiep says. “I am happy to be part of this big family!”
In his free time, Tiep enjoys camping and hiking, and playing basketball and golf.