Region: South

Carolina Crossroads

In 2019 the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) received federal approval to move forward with the Carolina Crossroads project, an ambitious plan to redesign 14 miles of I-20, I-26, and I-126 through the central part of the state—an area popularly known as Malfunction Junction. Frequent traffic slowdowns over the years gave the corridor its […]

P3 Belle Chasse Bridge and Tunnel Replacement

Louisiana’s Belle Chasse Bridge and Tunnel were infamous for closures and traffic delays along LA 23. In 2022, the Louisiana Department of Transportation (LA DOTD) began building a modern long-span bridge to replace the aging bridge and tunnel. GeoEngineers provided foundation design and other geotechnical services for this ambitious project. Although the Belle Chasse Bridge […]

Caillou Lake Headlands (Whiskey Island) Coastal Restoration

Louisiana is losing coastline at a rate of 16 square miles a year—or almost a football field of land every hour. Like many critical barrier islands, Whiskey Island was slowly disappearing into the Gulf of Mexico. GeoEngineers worked with teaming partners and the state’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) to design Louisiana’s largest volumetric […]

Asbury Power Plant Emission Support

Coal power plants like the Asbury Power Plant in Joplin, Missouri, work hard to keep their emissions low in compliance with Environmental Protection Agency standards. In today’s dynamic energy market, electric utilities need the flexibility to ramp-up their coal boilers at a moment’s notice if called upon to provide low-cost electricity. This means emissions from […]

Air Regulatory Support for Buick Resource Recycling Facility

In 2008 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tightened the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for airborne lead particles. The updated regulation lowered the amount of acceptable lead in the air from 1.5 micrograms per cubic meter, to 0.15 micrograms per cubic meter. This significantly lower standard meant industries such as the Buick Resource Recycling […]

Spring Creek HDD Replacement

In 2016, Trunkline Gas Company (TGS) became concerned about the condition of a 24-inch natural gas pipeline running through Spring, Texas. The original pipeline crossed beneath the town’s namesake, Spring Creek, but heavy rains, flooding and debris torrents scouring the creek bed had eroded the banks so much that the buried pipeline became exposed. To […]

Gasconade River Bridge Foundation Remediation

Built in 1955, the Interstate 44 Gasconade River Bridge in Laclede County, Missouri was slated for replacement. The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) had begun construction of a temporary substructure north of the existing bridge to support a new replacement bridge deck. MoDOT planned to complete the new deck, then remove the old deck and […]

Rehabilitating a Former Mine Site

The Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt in Jasper County, MO, is part of the Tri-State Mining District that encompasses approximately 2,500 square miles of land in southwestern Missouri, southeastern Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma. The Oronogo-Duenweg site is a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund site estimated to contain 150 million tons of mining waste. Mining, milling and […]

Mississippi River Levee Pipeline Crossings

A large pipeline company planned to use horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to install three pipelines beneath the Mississippi River and its levees near Empire, Louisiana. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has become more restrictive in its regulation of construction around Louisiana’s levee system in recent years, especially with images of Hurricanes Katrina and […]

Missouri Carbon Sequestration Project

The Missouri Carbon Sequestration Project, a federally funded research project being conducted under a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Energy (DOE), is seeking to assess the feasibility of carbon sequestration at Missouri power plant sites. Missouri electric utilities must establish methods to reduce CO2 emissions or face potential carbon taxes that may double electric […]

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