Tag: geotech

Record-Breaking Louisiana Coastal Restoration Project Wins Engineering Excellence Award

GeoEngineers’ Caillou Lake Headlands restoration project recently won a Grand Conceptor Award in the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Louisiana’s Engineering Excellence Awards program. The project was the top entry in the Water Resources category, recognized for its effectiveness in preserving the state’s sensitive dune and marsh habitats. The ambitious Caillou Lake Headlands Project […]

PCCP Cofferdam Project Wins PDCA Project of the Year

A GeoEngineers temporary cofferdam project in New Orleans, Louisiana has won a Project of the Year Award from the Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA). GeoEngineers’ Performance-Based Engineering (PBE) Group delivered numerical modeling and geotechnical support services for the project, which required the deepest excavation in New Orleans history. The Permanent Canal Closure and Pumps (PCCP) […]

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