Tag: webinar

Free Webinar on Walkover Survey Systems on Oct. 17

Pipeline Webinar Episode 11: Walk the LineBest Practices for Collecting and Evaluating Data with Walkover Systems GeoEngineers is continuing its series of free pipeline webinars with an October 17 panel discussion on good practices for obtaining and analyzing pilot hole survey data obtained from walkover survey systems where construction tolerances are critical. We’ll cover simple steps that […]

Free Webinar on the Energy Transition on April 23

Pipeline Webinar Episode 10: The Energy Transition 2.0 Please join us as we “get the band back together” with experts in the pipeline industry to discuss the latest in the energy transition–the shift to a three gas future that includes natural gas, carbon capture and hydrogen solutions. The panelists will discuss the state of the industry, […]

Free Hydraulic Fracture Webinar on September 27

Pipeline Webinar Episode 9: Everything Old is New Again Advancements in Hydraulic Fracture Analysis for HDD Applications with Dr. Ian Moore Join us in a discussion on how cavity expansion theory originally developed in the 1960s sheds light on which models/equations should be used to estimate the maximum allowable annular drilling fluid pressures before hydrofracture […]

Free Direct Pipe® Webinar Coming June 13

PIPELINE WEBINAR EPISODE 8: Criss-Crossing the Capital Beltway Join us as GeoEngineers Senior Construction Consultant Gary Castleberry and representatives from Dominion Energy (owner) and Michels Corporation (contractor) discuss a recent project where the Direct Pipe® trenchless installation method was selected for a 230kV electrical transmission line installation beneath I-66, I-495, and the Washington Metropolitan Area […]

Webinar on Pipeline Energy Transition Coming October 11

Pipeline Webinar Episode 6: Pipeline Solutions in the Energy Transition GeoEngineers is continuing its series of free pipeline webinars with an October 11 presentation on the current energy transition. Join us as we host experts in the pipeline industry to discuss the shift to a three-gas future that includes natural gas, carbon capture and hydrogen solutions. […]

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